We're part of Co-op Academies Trust. Financial information for the Trust can be found here.
Financial Benchmarking Information
Our academy’s ‘Financial Benchmarking’ information can be found here.
Pupil Premium
Every year, each school receives funding from the government specifically for children who receive the Pupil Premium Grant.
The amount of money we receive depends on how many children qualify and it changes across the year as children come and go.
We use these funds to make sure children who may be disadvantaged do not miss out and are able to do as well as their peers. Pupil Premium funding allows us to provide an equal and equitable learning experience for all of our children.
We have to report on how we plan to spend the funds (intended use) and the impact the funds from last year have had on pupils; this is done at the end of every academic year. In next year’s report we will be looking even more at how the grant impacted on children’s welfare, happiness and safety as well as their academic attainment.
Sports Premium Funding
We’re committed to our development of Physical Education (P.E.), sport and physical activity provision.
Find out our plans and review of previous sports premium in the documents below:
Sports Premium Report 2022-23 including review
Swimming Results 2023
Swimming is a national curriculum requirement and by the end of Key Stage 2 pupils are expected to be able to swim confidently and know how to be safe in and around water. The 3 national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety are to:
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- Perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations
- Use a range of strokes effectively