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Extra Curricular

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club runs from 7.45 am, at £1 per day or £50 per term

(if you are able to pay this upfront – it will save you money if your child attends everyday)

Please get in touch if you would like your child to attend.

After-school clubs are 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm

To book in, please contact the office.


YACAD Dance (Y1-6)

Eco Warriors

Read, Write Inc (Y1 only) 


Board Games (Y1-6)

Storytelling (Y1-6)

KS1 - Lego Club 

TT Rockstars (Y2-6)

Y6 - Reading Booster 


KS2- Sports Club (Delivered by Sport UK)

KS1 - Cartoon Club 


Mindful Art (Y1-6)

Y6 - Reading Booster 


KS1- Sports Club (Delivered Sport UK)