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Equality _ diversity objectives 21_23

Equality and Diversity Objectives 2022-24

Shared with AGC - October 2023

Equality objective

Action to be taken

Success criteria

To monitor and analyse pupil achievement by protected characteristics and act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.

  • Careful tracking of attainment and progress for pupils.
  • Ensure reasonable adjustments are in place for these children.
  • Work with outside agencies to achieve the best progress for our children.
  • SENDCo to support teachers in effective strategy development for individuals or groups.
  • Children can fully access the curriculum.
  • Children identified as needing support make equal, or accelerated progress in comparison to their peers.

To continue to promote understanding and respect for diversity within the school and school community.

  • Ensure all staff are aware of our responsibility with regards to the Equality Act (2010) through effective training.
  • Ensure our academy curriculum supports pupils’ tolerance and understanding.
  • Ensure the academy curriculum embeds understanding of the Co-op values - Show you care, Be yourself always, Do what matters most, Succeed together.
  • To ensure that the teaching of RE and British Values each half term is covered comprehensively to facilitate the understanding of other religions and cultures.
  • To teach the Jigsaw PSHE curriculum weekly working towards a whole school outcome each half term.
  • Academy policies and procedures promote equality of opportunity.
  • Children are aware of a range of religions and cultures.
  • Children celebrate diversity and are tolerant to other religions, cultures and groups of people within society.
  • Children acknowledge, understand and celebrate the benefits of living in a culturally diverse community.

Equality objective

Action to be taken

Success criteria

To review levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and school life, across all activities to ensure equity and fairness in access and engagement.

  • Review the role of the Parental Involvement Worker (PIW) annually to identify where support and input are needed in order to encourage parental engagement in learning and academy life.
  • Identify parents and carers of children that do not attend parent consultations or school events. PIW to make contact with these parents to encourage involvement and offer support if needed.
  • Gaps in engagement from all groups in academy life have been identified and addressed.



Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel


Race Equality

Ensure that adult role models are reflective of a range of cultures.

Through the staff recruitment procedures, encourage candidates to apply from all backgrounds.

One World Week annually.

Invite a wide range of visitors to our academy.

Ensure the curriculum provides opportunities to learn about different cultures nationally and globally.

HT and DHT

All staff

All staff and CW - CRL Lead

BP - Curriculum Lead

CW - English Lead


February each year

Throughout the academic year

By Summer 1

By Spring 2

Protected Characteristic

Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel



Ensure our academy profile is representative of all age groups.

HCC Employment guidelines are followed.

HT, HR and Governing Body.




Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel


Religious Belief

To ensure respect and tolerance for all beliefs.

Staff policies and Induction procedures raise awareness of sensitivity towards diverse religious beliefs.

Pupils’ behaviour expectations are high in relation to tolerance of all differences.

Governing Body, HT, DHT, AHT.

EW - RE Lead, all staff.


Immediately and reviewed each term.



Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel




To ensure that Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) represents and recognises diverse family structures.

Ensure all staff respond appropriately to questions raised by pupils.

Use ‘Dear Families’ rather than ‘Dear Parents and Carers’.

Protected characteristics are addressed during Rainbow Week.

All staff

Office staff

All staff

Throughout the year


w/c: 12th May 2024



Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel


Disability Equality

Break down barriers to perceptions of disability.

Celebrate the achievements of disabled role models such as: Billy Monger, Nicholas Hamilton, Ade Adepitan, Ellie Simmonds, Aaron Fotherington (Aaron Wheels), Rose Ayling-Ellis.

Ensure a range of visitors enable pupils to engage positively with disabilities.

Assemblies timetabled throughout the year.

Large text available for staff/pupils/visitors.  Accessible documents to be made available where appropriate.

All staff

All staff and CW as CRL Lead

EW to add these into the assembly timetable

Office staff/school staff



Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel


Gender Equality

To promote gender identity.

Continue to create engaging learning opportunities that promote achievement for all..

Apply the principles of equal opportunities and gender equality to our recruitment process at all times.

Focus/audit provision of resources to ensure all groups are making good progress in all classes.

HT and DHT


At each data point throughout the year.



Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel


Community Cohesion

Achieve a greater awareness of national and community identity.

Embed British Values through the curriculum.

To monitor and promote the involvement of all pupils in extra-curricular events/clubs.

Citizenship and RE subject reviews to audit community, national and global coverage.

PSHE - Jigsaw curriculum.

Monitor levels of engagement at extra-curricular events and clubs for specific groups and promote these to specific families.

EW - RE Lead

SS - PSHE Lead

DP/EL/TM to monitor clubs

Every half term - report to be communicated at each Governing Body meeting.



Priority (Plan)

Actions (Do)

Lead Personnel



Provide CPD for all staff on Equality and Diversity.

Provide CPD time for Equality and Diversity - National College.


All staff

Spring 2