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Children with Health Needs who cannot Attend School Policy

Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy

Policy details

Date created - 01/09/2022

Date reviewed - 01/09/2022

Date approved by AGC - 24/11/2022

Next review date - 24/11/2023



1. Aims        2

2. Legislation and guidance        2

3. The responsibilities of the school        2

4. Monitoring arrangements        4

5. Links to other policies        4

1. Aims

This policy aims to ensure that:

  • Suitable education is arranged for pupils on roll who cannot attend school due to health needs
  • Pupils, staff and parents understand what the school is responsible for when this education is being provided by the local authority

2. Legislation and guidance

This policy reflects the requirements of the Education Act 1996. It also reflects the statutory guidance given by the Department for Education “Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs” 2013.

It is also based on guidance provided by our Local Authority. Bradford Local Authority offers a medical needs and home education service for any children who cannot attend school because of illness and health problems. See link here for the example from Bradford LA.

Children who are not able to attend school will still be provided with the same curriculum access to children who are in school.

This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.

3. The responsibilities of the school

3.1 If the school makes arrangements:

The school will attempt to make arrangements to deliver suitable education for children with health needs who cannot attend school.

  • The Headteacher and SENDCo will be responsible for making and monitoring these arrangements
  • Initially, this may include sending work home. A referral may also be made to the hospital school or home tuition service at the relevant local authority
  • The Headteacher or SENDCo will make contact with the parents/carers to discuss and agree any arrangements
  • Attempts will be made to reintegrate the child back into school based on medical evidence and in consultation with the child and parents/carers.

3.2 If the local authority makes arrangements:

If the school can’t make suitable arrangements, Bradford Local Authority will become responsible for arranging suitable education for these children.

Local Authorities are responsible for arranging a suitable full-time education (or as much education as the child’s health condition allows) for children of compulsory school age who, because of illness, would otherwise not receive suitable education.

Local authorities should:

  • Provide such education as soon as it is clear that the child will be away from school for 15 days or more, whether consecutive or cumulative. They should liaise with appropriate medical professionals to ensure minimal delay in arranging appropriate provision for the child.
  • A “suitable education” means suitable to the child’s age, aptitude, ability and any special educational needs that he or she
  • A full-time education should be offered unless the pupil’s condition means that full-time provision would not be in their best interests. Full-time education is not defined in law but it should equate to what the pupil would normally have in school.

(Taken from Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs, 2013)

The process for referring a child to the local authority:

  • The school can contact the relevant local authority and ask to make a referral to the authorities medical needs and home education service once the child has been away from school for 15 days or more.

In cases where the local authority makes arrangements, the school will:

  • Work constructively with the local authority, providers, relevant agencies and parents to ensure the best outcomes for the pupil
  • Share information with the local authority and relevant health services as required
  • Help make sure that the provision offered to the pupil is as effective as possible and that the child can be reintegrated back into school successfully

   When reintegration is anticipated, work with the local authority to:

  • Plan for consistent provision during and after the period of education outside the school, allowing the pupil to access the same curriculum and materials that they would have used in school as far as possible
  • Enable the pupil to stay in touch with school life (e.g. through newsletters, emails, invitations to school events or internet links to lessons from their school)
  • Create individually tailored reintegration plans for each child returning to school
  • Consider whether any reasonable adjustments need to be made

4. Monitoring arrangements

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Head of Academy. At every review, it will be approved by the full academy governing council (AGC).

5. Links to other policies

This policy links to the following policies:

   Accessibility plan

   Supporting pupils with medical conditions

   Special educational needs and disability (SEND) and Inclusion Policy

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