Accessibility Plan 2023_24
Accessibility Plan 2023/24
1. Aims
Schools are required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility plan. The purpose of the plan is to:
- Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum
- Improve the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided
- Improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils
Our school aims to treat all its pupils fairly and with respect as we put children and families at the heart of everything we do. This involves providing access and opportunities for all pupils without discrimination of any kind.
Co-op Academy Parkland is committed to improve access to school education for disabled pupils.
The plan will be made available online on the school website, and paper copies are available upon request.
Our school is also committed to ensuring staff are trained in equality issues with reference to the Equality Act 2010, including understanding disability issues.
Our school supports any available partnerships to develop and implement the plan.
Our school’s complaints procedure covers the accessibility plan. If you have any concerns relating to accessibility in school, this procedure sets out the process for raising these.
We have included a range of stakeholders in the development of this accessibility plan, including pupils, staff and governors.
2. Legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements of schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010 and the Department for Education (DfE) guidance for schools on the Equality Act 2010.
The Equality Act 2010 defines an individual as disabled if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ adverse effect on his or her ability to undertake normal day to day activities.
Under the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, ‘long-term’ is defined as ‘a year or more’ and ‘substantial’ is defined as ‘more than minor or trivial’. The definition includes sensory impairments such as those affecting sight or hearing, and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer.
Schools are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for pupils with disabilities under the Equality Act 2010, to alleviate any substantial disadvantage that a disabled pupil faces in comparison with non-disabled pupils. This can include, for example, the provision of an auxiliary aid or adjustments to premises.
3. Action plan
This action plan sets out the aims of our accessibility plan in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
Aim | Current good practice Include established practice and practice under development | Objectives State short, medium and long-term objectives | Actions to be taken | Person responsible | Date to complete actions by | Success criteria |
Increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability | Our school offers a differentiated curriculum for all pupils. We use resources tailored to the needs of pupils who require support to access the curriculum such as a sensory room. Curriculum resources include examples of people with disabilities. Curriculum progress is tracked for all pupils, including those with a disability. Targets are set effectively and are appropriate for pupils with additional needs. The curriculum is reviewed regularly to ensure it meets the needs of all pupils. | Short Term To liaise with LA and Nursery settings regarding children with specific needs for each intake. To review all statutory policies to ensure that they reflect inclusive practice and procedure. Medium term To develop the curriculum further to ensure that it is inclusive of all children To review attainment of all SEN pupils Long term To evaluate and review the above short-term and medium-term targets annually To report findings to the AGC | EYFS Leaders and/or SENCO to speak to & visit any settings where children have additional needs. SLT to work through policies to ensure they reflect Equality Act 2010 Curriculum development work with Joshua Berry/ Trust and staff team Teachers to deliver some specified interventions. Monitor the impact of interventions. Audit resources Book looks Audit of engagement during quality first teaching. HofA/ SENDCO/Class teacher pupil progress meetings Scrutiny of assessment systems and provision mapping Data scrutiny Regular parent consultation meetings Annual review of pupil progress and discussions of how to address any issues arising through ADP evaluation and subsequent target setting. Full AGC meetings | SENDCO SLT SLT/Subject leaders CW and BP CW and BP HoA/ SENDCO/ Class teachers SLT / SENDCO / class teachers HoA/AGC | Each year by July visits to have taken place for September intake Dec 23 Spring 24 Termly Annually Termly/Annually | Pupils' needs are met from the onset of their education with us. All policies clearly reflect inclusive practice and procedures. Inclusive curriculum in place Progress made towards targets for SEN pupils Provision mapping shows clear steps and progress made with entry and exit data. All pupils make expected progress from their entry points. Governors fully informed about SEN provision and progress |
Improve and maintain access to the physical environment | The environment is adapted to the needs of pupils as required. This includes:
| Short Term To ensure paths and playgrounds around school are as safe as possible (including upgraded signage) To ensure that corridors and escape routes are as safe as possible To provide temporary ramps as appropriate Medium term Improve safe and easy access to entrances and exits To provide audio visual sensory aids | Audit current facilities Plan necessary works or changes to provision Action changes Staff meetings and assemblies raise awareness Clearance of areas Monitors keep area clear Audit areas needing access ramps Audit entry and exit points | HoA/SLT/ Class teachers HoA and Site Manager HoA/SENDCO/ Site manager HoA/SENDCO/ Site manager HoA/SENCO | Ongoing When required Termly As required | Children will evacuate the buildings calmly and safely and know the systems in place. Any pupils requiring ramps can exit and enter the building with ease. All pupils have access to learning and the curriculum |
Improve the delivery of information to pupils with a disability | Our school uses a range of communication methods to ensure information is accessible. This includes:
| To review and improve the information and experience provided online by the school To ensure that the medical needs of all pupils are met fully within the capability of the Academy. To review children’s records ensuring school’s awareness of any disabilities | Website up to date. Ensure Child files up to date Integrate Arbor use for all teaching staff Update and integrate records as appropriate | HoA/SLT/ Admin team Admin team Admin team | Termly | All policies up to date and all information on our website. Access to up to date information improves. Parents and children are able to access school information online. Homework access improves. Children’s files contain all data. Teachers have access to data. |
4. Monitoring arrangements
This document will be reviewed every 3 years, but may be reviewed and updated more frequently if necessary.
It will be approved by the Governing body. This Plan will contribute to the review and revision of related school policies, e.g.
• Academy development plan
• Continuing Professional Development Plan
• Building and site development plan
• SEN policy
• Equal Opportunities policy
Reviewed by C Wierzbianski: September 2023
Ratified by Full Governing Body: October 2023
To be reviewed: September 2026
Appendix 1: Accessibility audit
Feature | Description | Actions to be taken | Person responsible | Date to complete actions by |
Number of storeys | two | N/A | ||
Corridor access | wide corridors | Ensure they are clear at all times. | All staff | Ongoing |
Lifts | 1 lift to get to second floor | Lift key remains in office when out of use. | Office staff | Ongoing |
Parking bays | 3 disabled parking spaces near the back door | Only allocated staff/parents to use these bays. | All staff | Ongoing |
Entrances | 3 entrances | N/A | ||
Ramps | no ramps between KS1 hall and KS2 hall | Need to install a ramp | BH | Sept 21 |
Toilets | 2 disabled toilets | One children/ one adults. Changing facilities. Review needs for changing facilities regularly. | DE/BH | Ongoing |
Reception area | Accessible from outside | Review need for a ramp from main reception to ks2 corridor. | DE/BH | Ongoing |
Internal signage | disabled toilets sign | Review needs for any visually impaired staff/pupils. | DE/BH | Ongoing |
Emergency escape routes | Anyone who required a wheelchair would be based on the lower floor of school. | All staff | Ongoing |